Return & Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

We're sorry to hear you're not satisfied with your purchase!

Our goal is to ensure that you are satisfied with the products you find on Refferstock. If you experience technical problems with a product, please contact us immediately and our team will be happy to help you. Our team takes great pride in providing high quality, easy to use products, so they are always happy to help!

30 days money back if you request support and we fail to provide a solution.

Because the products we offer are digital products, we usually only provide refunds if there are technical problems with the product that our Team cannot resolve or if the product is incorrectly listed in the product description.

Unfortunately we cannot process refunds in the following situations:

If you are not satisfied with our design, we will refund your money, as we feel we have failed to fulfill our responsibilities as support staff.

Can’t access account?

If you have problems while registering or logging into your account, please use several resolution options, including:

  • After making your first registration/purchase, please open your email and open the verification email we sent you so you can access your account at Refferstock.
  • Make sure you don’t fail to log in 3 times in a row, this will cause your account to be temporarily blocked.
    Please contact the administrator to reactivate your account or wait 15 minutes for your account to be active again.
  • Reset your password.
  • Email us about your problem.